Whenever I find outsomeone is gay, I make a mental note of it; and that's about it. That particular knowledge isn't very useful, but it is good to know so as to avoid certain topics or ideas in conversation, etc - so as to better be a persons friend. I like to believe that I'm pretty normal, and that I have a healthy attitude towards homosexuality. Gay is okay.
But is it okay to PUSH the gay agenda? Should people be ENCOURAGED to be homosexuals?
A couple years ago I was sitting in my parent's living room and talking to them while Mom flipped some channels on the television. I made some wisecrack about how every television show on every major network these days was doing "this," or doing "that;" and my Mother pointed out, rather shrewedly;
"Yes, and every single sit com these days has a gay subplot."
I realized that she's right about that. I don't have any interest at all in anything on television, so I spend probably 2 hours max per week watching television; but even with my miniscule exposure to the mind numbing poison of sexual promiscuity, rampant greed and materialism that those who own the media push - there certainly IS an agenda to push homosexuality, and of course, it comes from the same persons who own and control every last major news or entertainment media outlet of print, televised, or radio in the United States of America.
Look at the link - these things are fact, and easily verified. Ginsberg, the "beat poet," is as disgusting a human being as has ever existed. We're talking about a guy here that not only pushed a pro homosexuality agenda, but a pro pedophilia agenda as well.
"I know your afflictions and your poverty--yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." The Revelation 2:9
♣♣♣♣♣♣ War Pigs Rising Profits ♣♣♣♣♣♣
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The Death Of The Fourth Amendment.
Politicians and soldiers alike are sworn to protect and uphold the United States Constitution. It used to be, and still should be considered HIGH TREASON to openly violate the ideals of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights - but that is what is going on more and more often here in the land that was once associated with things both free and brave.
In Indiana, that states Supreme Court has openly trampled upon the rights of it's citizens that had been granted in the Fourth Amendment to the Bill Of Rights. The Indiana Supreme Court Judges have VIOLATED what soldiers are sworn to uphold. What's happened is that the Indiana Supreme Court has ruled that any rogue police officer, and in effect, anyone pretending to be a police officer - can enter into your home without a warrant, and there's not a damned thing that you can do about it.
One of Two things needs to happen here, The Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill Of Rights either needs to be followed to the letter, or destroyed altogether. A divided house can not stand, and neither can a city with traitors within it's gates.
In Indiana, that states Supreme Court has openly trampled upon the rights of it's citizens that had been granted in the Fourth Amendment to the Bill Of Rights. The Indiana Supreme Court Judges have VIOLATED what soldiers are sworn to uphold. What's happened is that the Indiana Supreme Court has ruled that any rogue police officer, and in effect, anyone pretending to be a police officer - can enter into your home without a warrant, and there's not a damned thing that you can do about it.
One of Two things needs to happen here, The Constitution of the United States of America and the Bill Of Rights either needs to be followed to the letter, or destroyed altogether. A divided house can not stand, and neither can a city with traitors within it's gates.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Monsanto's Poisonous and Cancerous Milk
Monsanto's Poisonous and Cancerous Milk
Monsanto is now poisoning America's milk supply with bovine growth hormone. The only testing that was done towards seeing if this synthetic hormone by Monsanto was safe for human consumption, as it inevitably makes it's way from cows to humans via milk; was a mere 90 days of testing on 30 rats, and rats are not humans; but this is how much the Monsanto corporation cares for humanity. Besides the Monsanto Suicides in India, and the horrific, and completely un-ethical practices against the farmers there, the attempt to force poison corn upon the French, and recent polls voting Monsanto as the World's most evil corporation. Monsanto has now been alleged to have actually threatened Fox News media should they even talk about Bovine Growth Hormone, the result was that fellow corporate fascist, Rupert Murdoch, pulled the story from seeing the light of day.
Let's not forget that Roundup, the only thing that keeps Monsanto a profitable company, is also poisonous to humans, and it makes it's way into our soil and our drinking water every time that someone uses it. Monsanto also makes nutrasweet, or aspartane, which, of course, is also poisonous to humans who consume such things. Are you seeing a pattern here yet?
Never fear though, Americans, Monsanto has lobbied to protect us all from healthy foods, and now seeks to make it criminal for us to grow our own foods, organic gardening, even when you are only growing foods for you and your family, can now get you thrown into prison. The only patriotic and sane thing that you can now do, is to BREAK THE LAW, and NEVER buy any Monsanto product. If you purchase Roundup herbicide YOU support a corporation that seeks to destroy YOU and YOUR FAMILY, and MINE.
The Monsanto Corporation must be completely destroyed and obliterated for the United States of America to remain a free and open society. The Monsanto corporation must be completely destroyed and obliterated for American Citizens to enjoy any sort of healthy lifestyle or diet.
No more excuses, if you purchase Roundup; you support your own death and destruction, and you support cancer for you and your children.
Monsanto is now poisoning America's milk supply with bovine growth hormone. The only testing that was done towards seeing if this synthetic hormone by Monsanto was safe for human consumption, as it inevitably makes it's way from cows to humans via milk; was a mere 90 days of testing on 30 rats, and rats are not humans; but this is how much the Monsanto corporation cares for humanity. Besides the Monsanto Suicides in India, and the horrific, and completely un-ethical practices against the farmers there, the attempt to force poison corn upon the French, and recent polls voting Monsanto as the World's most evil corporation. Monsanto has now been alleged to have actually threatened Fox News media should they even talk about Bovine Growth Hormone, the result was that fellow corporate fascist, Rupert Murdoch, pulled the story from seeing the light of day.
Let's not forget that Roundup, the only thing that keeps Monsanto a profitable company, is also poisonous to humans, and it makes it's way into our soil and our drinking water every time that someone uses it. Monsanto also makes nutrasweet, or aspartane, which, of course, is also poisonous to humans who consume such things. Are you seeing a pattern here yet?
Never fear though, Americans, Monsanto has lobbied to protect us all from healthy foods, and now seeks to make it criminal for us to grow our own foods, organic gardening, even when you are only growing foods for you and your family, can now get you thrown into prison. The only patriotic and sane thing that you can now do, is to BREAK THE LAW, and NEVER buy any Monsanto product. If you purchase Roundup herbicide YOU support a corporation that seeks to destroy YOU and YOUR FAMILY, and MINE.
The Monsanto Corporation must be completely destroyed and obliterated for the United States of America to remain a free and open society. The Monsanto corporation must be completely destroyed and obliterated for American Citizens to enjoy any sort of healthy lifestyle or diet.
No more excuses, if you purchase Roundup; you support your own death and destruction, and you support cancer for you and your children.
How The Methamphetamine Epidemic Was Created By Big Business, and For the Enslavement of Poor Whites.
The methamphetamine epidemic was no accident, my friends. The methamphetamine epidemic was foreshadowed by many years of legal use, and American doctors hooking as many future addicts, and others, as was humanly possible. Following that, it was made illegal, and then it's traditional method of manufacture was destroyed by a brilliant chemist and a brilliant chemical blocking agent, and this ensured the HUGE profits that were and still are reaped with the sales of pseudo ephedrine. Not only that, this all occurred around the same time that the CIA's South Central Los Angeles "crack epidemic" was ended by the Rodney King beatings and the L.A. riots. Obviously, the heat was on - and a new victim was needed to replace poor blacks. Obviously, the meth epidemic, plotted and controlled - victimized poor whites.
Check the link, read the facts. It's your life, and your kid's lives.
Check the link, read the facts. It's your life, and your kid's lives.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
UAE Prince Hires Blackwater Founder to Build Private Army
The crown prince of Abu Dhabi has enlisted the infamous founder of Blackwater security services to build him an 800-member private army of foreign troops for the United Arab Emirates.
According to documents obtained by the New York Times Erik Prince’s new company, Reflex Responses, was hired and paid $529 million by the prince to form a new battalion of foreign fighters to carry out special operations, destroy internal revolts and defend urban areas and oil fields from terrorist attacks.
Troops are believed to have been brought to the UAE from Columbia, South Africa and other nations and are being trained by retired US military personnel and Germany and British special operations experts and member of the French Foreign Legion.Read Full Story on RT
dirty deeds,
greedy pigs,
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Using Disinformation For Personal Protection.
In modern America, the United States Constitution is no longer the guiding document of principles used to govern. Our founding fathers in this nation provided us with the finest legal document and government design that had ever been created in the history of the entire world. But modern American leadership trashed that document.
Running rampant in America today are militarized police forces that use LRAD weapons against peaceful college students. The greatest violation, by far, of the Constitution - the "patriot act" has been used not for it's stated purpose, but to continue on with the "war on drugs," civil asset forfeitures, and the forced submission of once proud people's to a tyrannical and oppressive state that stresses the value of groups of corporate profiteers over the individual liberties that we once enjoyed.
The American mass media all the while plays up a two party paradigm which allows those sleepy headed foolish Americans to point fingers, and assure themselves that if only their side was in control, then things would be different. Being delusional is part of the script provided for us all.
We no longer have honorable leaders or institutions. Our leaders only lie when their gums are bumping against each other, and our once fine institutions, like the institution of America peace officers, no longer deserve any honor or respect - as often as not. We Americans no longer have the responsibility to be honest with liars, we have no bonds forcing us to show integrity to corruption. Using disinformation for personal protection is not only viable, but necessary in the larger sense, and in the smaller, day to day sense.
(Please don't forget to click the link in Red at top)
Running rampant in America today are militarized police forces that use LRAD weapons against peaceful college students. The greatest violation, by far, of the Constitution - the "patriot act" has been used not for it's stated purpose, but to continue on with the "war on drugs," civil asset forfeitures, and the forced submission of once proud people's to a tyrannical and oppressive state that stresses the value of groups of corporate profiteers over the individual liberties that we once enjoyed.
The American mass media all the while plays up a two party paradigm which allows those sleepy headed foolish Americans to point fingers, and assure themselves that if only their side was in control, then things would be different. Being delusional is part of the script provided for us all.
We no longer have honorable leaders or institutions. Our leaders only lie when their gums are bumping against each other, and our once fine institutions, like the institution of America peace officers, no longer deserve any honor or respect - as often as not. We Americans no longer have the responsibility to be honest with liars, we have no bonds forcing us to show integrity to corruption. Using disinformation for personal protection is not only viable, but necessary in the larger sense, and in the smaller, day to day sense.
(Please don't forget to click the link in Red at top)
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Civil Asset Forfeiture
Outside of being murdered or imprisoned by police, the worst crime perpetrated by those sworn to serve and to protect against the citizens of any given precinct is to suffer civil asset forfeiture. "Civil asset forfeiture" is a polite police term for ROBBERY. You have to have polite terminology to differentiate yourself from those that you seemingly oppose, but still very much resemble.
You have to realize that someone having a "good guy" badge in no way makes one what they claim to be - think of it as "acting."
In tough economic times we as citizens have a whole lot more to worry about from predatory police than just increased traffic fines. Your car, your only transportation to the job that sustains you could be taken from you, sold, and perhaps the police will get those new softball uniforms they've "needed" for so very long? Your very home could be taken from you for the most fabricated bits of evidence - it's your word against theirs, and where is your "good guy" uniform?
Civil Asset Forfeiture is a legal device on the books, but when people learn to vote with their dollars - all anti Constitutional legislation can be overturned.
You have to realize that someone having a "good guy" badge in no way makes one what they claim to be - think of it as "acting."
In tough economic times we as citizens have a whole lot more to worry about from predatory police than just increased traffic fines. Your car, your only transportation to the job that sustains you could be taken from you, sold, and perhaps the police will get those new softball uniforms they've "needed" for so very long? Your very home could be taken from you for the most fabricated bits of evidence - it's your word against theirs, and where is your "good guy" uniform?
Civil Asset Forfeiture is a legal device on the books, but when people learn to vote with their dollars - all anti Constitutional legislation can be overturned.
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